
Welcome to Fab.nano!

This site will provide information and updates regarding (1) tool moves from building 39 and other spaces, (2) new equipment in the fab, (3) user training and access to the fab.

You can visit the MIT.nano Main Site for a broader overview of MIT.nano and its mission. Recent updates & news have migrated to that site.

For fab-users looking to use any equipment, please add the Fab.nano Training Group which will provide you with relevant training links and allows you to sign up for the MIT.nano Orientation. We continue to add orientation dates.


New User Signup

If you are a new user, please follow the below steps to get started (also outlined in the Billing Signup document)
1.  Register on the billing system (called MUMMS).
2.  Add the MIT.nano services ("Access to Building 12 5th Floor Packaging Facilities" and "Access to Building 12 Fab.Nano Laboratories").
3.  Join the Fab.nano Training Group.
4.  Once you joined the training group, you will see a link to the MIT.nano orientation as well as all required EHS training.
4a.  If you have prior fab experience (at MIT or elsewhere), talk to us to get a 6.152 equivalent waiver.
4b.  If you have little or no prior fab experience, you can sign up (link is also part of the training group) for quick-start where you get hands-on practice in the lab.

External users will need an MIT ID and Kerberos login. Contact us for help with that.

24-Hour Access

Users with sufficient lab experience can request 24-hr access.  Please review these guidelines for more details.